Monday, January 3, 2011


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Luisa and Ms. Amy's Class! Did you have fun on your Christmas vacation? What did you do? Did you get any presents? I went to see some Christmas lights and wanted to show you some pictures. I'm in some of the pictures, do you see me?

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo Luisa y alumnos de la Profa. Amy! Se divirtieron en las vacaciones de Navidad? Que hicieron? Les dieron regalos? Yo fui a ver luces de Navidad y les voy a mostrar algunas fotos. Estoy en algunas de las fotos, me ven?

I miss you all and I'll write again real soon. Bye bye.
Los extraño y les escribiré pronto. Bye bye.

1 comment:

  1. Class Response 1-5-11:

    Who? Luisa's Flat Stanley
    What? Luisa's Flat Stanley had fun looking at Christmas lights.
    Where? North Florida
    When? January 3, 2011
    Why? The lights were on for Christmas.
